Accepted papers - Short talks#

Below you can find the presentations of all speakers that were accepted for a talk at OTESAMA 2023 workshop.

Steven Farber & Willem Klumpenhouwer#

Steven Farber & Willem Klumpenhouwer (2023). Equity Analyses of Transport Futures.

Note: If the video below does not play immediately, try again after a few minutes..

Fulvio Lopane et al.#

Fulvio Lopane, Eleni Kalantzi, Richard Milton & Michael Batty (2023). Land-Use Transport-Interaction modelling for sustainable mobility in metropolitan areas.

Flavia Lopes et al.#

Flavia Lopes, Jorge Gil & Ioanna Stavroulaki (2023). Developing Flexible and Interoperable Multimodal Urban Models and Tools for Integration of Urban and Public Transport Planning.

Florian Nachtigall & Felix Creutzig#

Florian Nachtigall & Felix Creutzig (2023). TransitAccess: A Python, GTFS-based transit index incorporating centrality and spatio-temporal accessibility.

Rafael Verduzco-Torres et al.#

  1. Rafael Verduzco-Torres, Nick Bailey & David McArthur (2023). Towards Just Neighbourhoods: Leveraging Geospatial Data Science to Understand Night-Time Public Transport Variability in British Cities.